Thursday, April 8, 2010

my mother

Mom: "Do you know what a stimulus package is?"
Me: "Yeah"
Mom: "Do you know what, like, a financial stimulus package is?"

My mom is freaking hilarious. I don't think people realize many sides she has to her. She always knows exactly when to stay calm, when to be polite, and she always knows exactly how to say things the right way, but she also knows how to kick back and have a good time. She's actually really funny and quite the jokester. She's crazy and loud and majorly ADD... to make it short, she's exactly like me but taller, 32 years older, and a much better person. I have to say, out of all the people in this world, she's one of the very few people I truly aspire to be some day.

I feel really blessed because I know a lot of people with "bad parents". I know a lot of people who don't get along with their parents very well. And it's not that the parents are necessarily bad parents or bad people, but they're simply people who don't have things straight in their own lives and don't have much business trying to rear children. There's a lot of parents who have children and can't even love them correctly because they've never been shown love themselves. Being a parent is a really serious thing, because children are blank slates who grow up to be exactly what you raise them to be.

I'm getting sidetracked.

My point of this is that my mom is freaking awesome and I hope that when I grow up, I'm half as good of a person as she is.

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